Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Today is New Years Day 2014.  It has been 2 years since I created this page and haven't done anything with it.

For 2014- my resolution is to take whatever I am faced with - with a good attitude. I will look for opportunity in everything.  To start this- I will speak of TODAY.  My sister and her husband recently found themselves 'HOMELESS'.  After a 3 week stay in a motel room, funded by the generosity of others, we have found them an apartment.  It is more of a duplex than an apartment.  It is a sad looking place.  However- the price is right.  The motel room could be looked at as the high rent district since it was costing $1,200 dollars a month when you add the nights together for 30 days. Today we are faced with finding furnishings for this little sad place.  The opportunity in this is as follows:

1.  The price is right.
2.  They have a roof over their head in the town where their doctors are located.
4.  The town where they are now located has OATS transportation.
5.   I get to know my sister and her family better, as we have lived totally separate lives for at least    30 years.
6.  I get to get rid of some of the items that clutter up my life.
7.  They have running water and electricity and a roof over their heads.
8.  God is going to show me something about myself in all of this - that I never knew.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

As far as a Cattle Ranch and Fish Farm go, we really don't have any Cattle- however we have fish.  My oldest son named our address on Four Square, and I liked it - so it stuck.  This blog is intended to be about our wonderful moments with our family.  We moved here in 2005 from "town".  I had never considered living in the country prior to moving here. However, we feel we live in "Heaven".  When I come home from work, I feel like I am traveling to the deep dark hills of Kentucky or Tennessee.  It is very inspiring for me.  We have become Grandparents to 8 youngens' since we arrived.